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Thank you to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for their continued support in our crusade against CDH.

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Charlie Polizzi’s Warrior of the Angels was founded by Charlie’s parents, Kristin & Tom Polizzi, in 2019, after losing their precious miracle son, Charlie. Charlie, was diagnosed with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia on December 13th, 2017. We made the four hour trek to The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to be treated by the best doctors in the country for this horrible birth defect. No parents should ever have to sit in a room while a doctor goes over options and describe what the first few months will look like for their son. As you can imagine, what they described to us was nothing like what we had always dreamed of for our Charlie. Looking back I would have waited weeks to hold my son if it meant he could have eventually come home with us.

This foundation was created and named Warrior of the Angels because Charlie is now an angel fighting in heaven. You do not have to be survivor of this horrible birth defect to be a warrior. Charlie is our little Spartan fighting for all his CDH brothers and sisters who are currently fighting here on Earth with their families. Even from Heaven he is making a huge mark on this world and will help lead the fight against this horrible birth defect.

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I may not be able to be the Mother I had always dreamed of to Charlie but through this organization I will make sure that he will never be forgotten. Charlie truly was and is the strongest person with the most precious soul, even through death he will not let his effect on this world be hindered. 


Charlie Polizzi’s Warrior of the Angels Foundation aims to create awareness for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia(CDH) and infant loss by establishing and managing programs that further research allowing for improved CDH survival rates and quality of life, as well as improved emotional stability for families following the loss of an infant child through our Soothing Hearts Program in partnership with Albany Medical Center.

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